Assisting you on your journey to wholesome living and whole food eating!
The Nutrition Network is a private dietetic service, incorporating holistic health with an evidence based nutrition approach to your healthcare.
Founder Erin Miller is an Accredited Practicing Dietitian, who has a vast degree of nutritional knowledge, with over 15 years of clinical and community-based experience. Working in major hospitals overseas, Sydney and on Mid North coast, in both clinical and private practice roles. She has developed recipes and blogs for major companies, established educational webinars for offshore corporations and continues to provide educational events within her private practice and local community groups.
Integrated health is Erin's passion, incorporating a multidisciplinary care approach to her client’s health plans. Understanding that individuals require different health modalities and approaches, Erin has implemented holistic care methods into her dietetic management. Opening the doors to her integrated health centre last year, ‘Cove’ is a modest space incorporating a selection of different allied health professionals and wellness practitioners under one roof.
Erin's wellness programs focus on a wholefood approach offering:
- one on one consultations
- online consultations
- shopping tours
- wellness retreats
- health and holistic seminars