Secondhand & Collectibles Market

Secondhand & Collectibles Market

Past Event

Sat 1 May10am - 2pm

Bulahdelah War Memorial Hall
72 Crawford St
Bulahdelah NSW 2423

This new market is making the most of Bulahdelah's War Memorial Hall which will host market stalls and car boot sales.

There'll be hot food, hot and cold drinks, homewares, plants, model cars, clothes, baby wear, second hand goodies, jewellery, cushions, handmade crafts, an icecream truck, a massage therapist and more!

(NB. There's limited card access so bring along some cash please.)

Stallholders can book an inside spot at $10 per table while those hoping to open their car boot need only provide a gold coin donation.

Nothing has been missed from the plans for a great day out. Live music will be on from 11am to get feet tapping and will continue into the afternoon. Food is available for purchase from 12pm.

The funds raised from this event will be used to pay for a new projector for future film nights.

Prospective stallholders and car boot sellers can contact Lisa Nebayer on 0403 244 884.