Wildlife Quest

Wildlife Quest

Past Event

Sat 24 Sep - Sat 1 OctAll day

Church Street
Church St
Gloucester NSW 2422

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Be an honorary ranger and help us find the missing wildlife hiding in the main street!!

You have two missions to choose from, or perhaps you can help with both! Either find the cheeky missing wildlife including turtles and frogs hiding in shop fronts, or help us locate the endangered Koalas that have taken to the main street.

Grab your activity sheet from NPWS office at 59 Church St to know exactly what we need your help with.

Once completed, return your activity sheet to receive your reward for helping us find our wildlife. Additionally, all participants who successfully complete their mission will receive one entry into the price pool.

Register here to receive updates and reminders on the activity. However, registration is not essential - simply pop into the National Parks Office any time during the event to grab your activity sheet.

Gloucester Wild Threatened Species Festival

A celebration of the amazing environment, biodiversity and threatened species that call the Gloucester region home, taking place this September.

There is over $1500 worth of prizes for attendees to win too, with an entry in the draw for each event you attend!

This project is a joint initiative between MidCoast Council and NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, in collaboration with Aus Eco Solutions, Aussie Ark, Australian Museum, Birdlife Australia, Gloucester Business Chamber, Gloucester Environment Group, Hunter Local Land Services, Manning River Turtle Group and Mid Coast 2 Tops Landcare.