Watercolour Tips and Tricks

Watercolour Tips and Tricks

Past Event

Sat 14 Oct - Sun 15 Oct9:30am - 3:30pm

Hallidays Point Library
87 High St
Hallidays Point NSW 2430

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A 2-day introduction to watercolour painting.

Watercolour tips & tricks is a two day, full on, exhausting, fun, rigorous, workshop filled with information on pigments, tools, composition, drawing, light, and mistake recovery.
Suitable for 15 year olds and over, beginners to experienced, there is a wealth of information and handouts.
For new artists or those looking to experiment, Sandi has an essential starter kit comprising palette, brushes, pigments, 2b pencil, kneadable eraser, and 5 sheets of Arches 300gsm watercolour paper for an additional $75 - this is cheaper than cost and highly recommended.

Email [email protected] with your full name and postal address to receive your invoice and make payment to secure your space, and a Materials List and other information as it may come to hand.

Limited to a minimum of 8 and maximum of 10.