Walk the Waters

Walk the Waters

Past Event

Sat 8 Oct9:30am - 10:30am

Sat 8 Oct10:30am - 11:30am

Sat 8 Oct11:30am - 12:30pm

Gloucester District Park
1 Denison St
Gloucester NSW 2422

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Join experts on the Manning River Turtle and Platypus for a walk to find out how you can spot these special animals in the wild, and what you can do to help - including how to become a citizen scientist!

The Manning River turtle is an ancient and endemic species of freshwater turtle only found in the Manning River catchment. Not well known and not well studied, help is needed to better understand their ecology, particularly their nesting habits. While the platypus is an iconic Australian animal that is well known in the area, it is not well documented. Researchers will show us how he is studying the platypus in the Manning, and how you can help.

Join platypus experts, Andrew Steed, the Manning River Turtle Group and more, for a hands-on practical experience:

  • Identify key habitat features - what to look for/how to look/ when to look
  • Get involved and record information using citizen science apps
  • Identify keys risks, threats and what to do - including a mock raided nest, fox scat/predation and diggings

By the river in Gloucester Park - also see LLS stall at the Gloucester Farmers Market

Note: This is a FREE event. Registration is essential. For further information please contact [email protected]

Participants must be over 6 years and wear enclosed shoes.

Please download TurtleSAT & iNaturalist prior to attending the event.

Gloucester Wild Threatened Species Festival

A celebration of the amazing environment, biodiversity and threatened species that call the Gloucester region home, taking place this September.

There is over $1500 worth of prizes for attendees to win too, with an entry in the draw for each event you attend!

This project is a joint initiative between MidCoast Council and NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, in collaboration with Aus Eco Solutions, Aussie Ark, Australian Museum, Birdlife Australia, Gloucester Business Chamber, Gloucester Environment Group, Hunter Local Land Services, Manning River Turtle Group and Mid Coast 2 Tops Landcare.