Grey Water Banana Circle & Roofed Compost Bay Workshop - Combined Workshops Event ($50 discount)
The Spring Homestead – Plumbed Grey Water Banana Circle Workshop
An easy to construct Plumbed Grey Water system that utilises a Banana Circle.
- Grey Water System Design & site set out
- Tool Handling
- Banana Circle & Berm construction
- Grey Water Pit + Compost + Plumbing
- Grey Water Pit filtration materials
- Choosing & planting bananas, filtration plants & support guild plants
- Mulching
- Maintaining
- Options
The Spring Homestead – Plumbed Roof Compost Bay Workshop
An easy to construct Roofed & Plumbed 3x Bay Pallet Compost System.
- Compost System Design
- Material requirements & Tool Handling.
- Pallet Bay construction with 'Incremental Access Panels'
- Simple hinged roof construction
- Plumbing the roof
- Installing and connecting a standard 200lt barrel
- Creating a Weed / Manure Tea (for composting only)
- Creating a Thermophilic Compost (Hot Compost)
- Turning & Maintaining
- Composting materials
You will be nourished by ‘Simply Homesteading’ with a homestead inspired Morning Tea & Farm to Oven Pizza's for Lunch
Workshop Take-Aways
- Workshop Support Information + Notes
- Hands on demonstration / experience
Course Cost: $450.00 per person
Catering: Farm Fresh, Seasonally Inspired Wholefood Morning Tea & Woodfired Oven Pizza Lunch set amongst a country backdrop with Organic Tea's, Coffee and healthy Pro-Biotic Punch throughout the day.
What to Bring: Full covered shoes / Gardening Wear / Gloves / Note book