Belvoir Street Theatre Company presents Scenes from the climate era live

Massive artificial reefs, Mirror clouds. Zombie mice.

It’s 65 short scenes – comic, tragic, and everything in between. Jam-packed with information, humanity and truth, but never wagging its finger in your face. Scenes From The Climate Era is a play about now. About the choices we made yesterday, and the difficult beauty of tomorrow.

A frog, the last of its species, starts calling for a mate, but there’s no-one to hear
A group of friends reminisce about the last time they took a flight, before all that came to an end.

Landholders in Borneo confront western environmentalists over who owns the forest.

A scientist is coached on how to speak to the media in digestible soundbites.

This unique play investigates how we deal with big, breathtaking ideas – and the crazy excitement of living in hope.

Tickets from $50