Koala Capers tour

Koala Capers tour

Past Event

Fri 30 Sep10am - 12pm

Copeland Tops State Conservation Area
Old Copeland Road
Copeland NSW 2422

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Join a Discovery Ranger and NPWS koala expert for a morning of adventure at Copeland Tops SCA!

This biodiversity month, our guides will share their love and knowledge of koalas and nature. Soak in the breathtaking landscape that these koalas call home. You’ll discover what they eat, how they survive in this environment and how we can protect them into the future. Have you ever heard a koala bellow? Learn how we monitor for this iconic species by listening to their vocalisation.

Join us for this short walk around the beautiful rainforests and koala habitat of Copeland Tops SCA and finish at the picnic area with some fun activities.

Bring your morning tea or lunch and stay to connect with community members after the tour in this beautiful park.

Cost: Adult $15 per person. Child (5 to 16 years) $10 per person. Family $40 for 2 adults and 2 children.

Gloucester Wild Threatened Species Festival

A celebration of the amazing environment, biodiversity and threatened species that call the Gloucester region home, taking place this September.

There is over $1500 worth of prizes for attendees to win too, with an entry in the draw for each event you attend!

This project is a joint initiative between MidCoast Council and NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, in collaboration with Aus Eco Solutions, Aussie Ark, Australian Museum, Birdlife Australia, Gloucester Business Chamber, Gloucester Environment Group, Hunter Local Land Services, Manning River Turtle Group and Mid Coast 2 Tops Landcare.