Keep it Clean - Manning Point

Keep it Clean - Manning Point

Past Event

Sun 3 Mar10am - 12pm

Manning Point Boat Ramp
99 Main Rd
Manning Point NSW 2430

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Keep it Clean for the Manning!

Join like-minded individuals who share a love for fishing and a commitment to environmental stewardship to clean up around the Manning Point foreshore.

All the litter collected will be sorted and counted, then entered into the Australian Marine Debris Database which is used by researchers to inform future reduction opportunities. Any fishing-related waste will also be sorted and recycled where possible through our Tackle Loop program.

This event is also a Yabby Trap Drop Spot. Bring down any old and unwanted opera house yabby traps and swap it for an Oar-Gee Plow lure at the event to support sustainable fishing practices. Prizes will also be available on the day.

Please bring water bottle, closed shoes, hat and sunscreen. Attendees are also welcome to bring their kayaks or boats to assist with the clean up on the water.

Keep it Clean is a partnership with OzFish and the NSW Department of Primary Industries. It is made possible through funding by the Recreational Fishing Trusts and Marine Estate Management Strategy.