The Aboriginal legend of the Barrington Towers: our own Barrington Tops version of Katoomba's Three Sisters that were turned to stone.
This remarkable Aboriginal legend was first published in the Gloucester Advocate on 18 Dec 1934, written by Wirrapit (Lightning). Text and photos by Robert Syron courtesy of Hunter Living Histories.
The Happy Lovers
“Countless years ago, there lived a beautiful maiden of the Kabook (Cherry Tree Clan) that inhabited the Rawdon Vale and Barrington districts. Her name was Yettee (Laughing One) and she was beloved by a splendid young warrior named Mooloogat (Son Of Thunder).
But alas, as was the tribal custom she was betrothed to old Golwah (Eagle). Golwah suspected that Mooloogat might attempt to steal her so he had her guarded night and day by three handpicked warriors. However, one dark rainy night Mooloogat killed the three guards and he and Yettee escaped.
Golwah was of course very angry and sent six of the most noted warriors in the tribe in pursuit. After many days of weary wandering Mooloogat and Yettee found themselves at the spot where now stand the stone towers. Here their pursuers caught them up and in the epic fight that ensued Mooloogat killed the whole six but was himself so badly wounded... that he died.
Then the great Alcooingha (Good Spirit) in answer to the supplications of Yettee took pity on them both and turned them into the two wonderful stone towers. Here they have stood for thousands upon thousands of years with the waters of the Barrington River rushing past and between them: in flood time with a thunderous roar and in normal times bubbling and rippling with laughter hence the names of the towers: Mooloogat and Yettee.
The name of the 3rd tower on the side of a steep hill is Golwah, whom the great Alcooingha condemned forever to gaze from a safe distance upon the happy lovers.
These towers are about 12 miles west from Rawdon Vale. Just before or on the Barrington River on the lower country from the mountains, stands three gigantic pillars of stone know by the white community as the towers, or Barrington Towers, two of them 100 feet in height. Now the water swirls at the base of the great pillars of hardened sandstone, which are worn smooth and appear as if fashioned by the hands of man and the other, the smallest one is up on the steep hill side.”