A Historic Icon
Wingham Show Ground, an historic icon is located on a Crown Reserve and is managed by the Wingham Show Ground Crown Land Manager which comprises a seven (7) Member Board who are responsible for the care, control and management of the grounds.
The Show Ground hosts a number of events some of which are widely recognized as major annual attractions in the Manning Valley. These include the Annual Show, Summertime Rodeo, Wingham Beef Week, and the Akoostik Music Festival. It is also home of the Spinners/Craft Group. Farmer's Markets, Indoor Archery Club, Lapidary Club, Men's Shed, Pony Club, Campdraft Club and Manning Junior Rodeo Association.
Other facilities include an on-site Caravan Park (RV's, Caravans and Campers, fees apply) and a Hall (Tea Rooms) which is available for hire for private functions.
Our on-site Caretaker can be contacted on 0434 144 722 for all Caravan Park enquiries/bookings.