Minimbah Cottages are two self-contained cottages on the Coolongolook River with all amenities, set on a 40 hectare property.
Located 25 minutes drive to coastal beaches and a 30 minutes boat trip to Forster, it's the perfect farmstay for any family holiday, function or just a romantic getaway on the river. Come and spend as long as your heart desires, exploring the river in your boat, canoe or paddle board.
If you are a keen water skier or even a beginner this is the perfect holiday destination for you, the beautiful river will accommodate your every need.
This beautiful place will not disappoint, and if you like to water ski this is absolutely the place for you. Any type of water sport you love you can enjoy on this beautiful river, you are only as limited as your imagination.
Featuring its own private jetty you can even launch your own boat and spend the day fishing or take a short boat trip to Forster for a spot of shopping, some time at the beach or visit a local restaurant and so much more.