To offer people a safe quality surfing experience while enjoying the beautiful surroundings of the Great Lakes Area. We provide the opportunity to learn to surf or to improve your surf skills and at the same time, to have fun and challenge yourself.
We also offer the young surfers in our area a chance to improve their surfing ability & their knowledge of the ocean & the general environment.
We operate between Seals Rocks & Forster depending on the conditions.
- How to ride a surfboard
- Surf awareness
- Surf safety
- How to turn a surfboard
- How to take off and drop down a forming wave
- Surfing maneuvers
- HEADZONE Radio Control Helmet coaching
- Technique improvement with video
- Contest strategies
- Fitness training
- Specialized skill drills - both mental & physical
- HEADZONE Radio Control Helmet coaching
ALL : Video services available
What better way to bond than everyone trying the spiritual and satisfying surfing experience.